Earlier this year, we hosted a webinar on a new Political AI law that was included in the Governor’s budget. That law created significant liability for stations running political advertisements that contained “materially deceptive” material. Stations were required to place labels on such political advertisements. This requirement conflicted with Federal law.
As we reported a few weeks ago, we have successfully lobbied to revise this law to be more favorable for broadcasters. Nonetheless, stations will be required to adopt a policy stating they will not accept political content that contains materially deceptive images or the voice of a candidate.
Please join us for a Zoom webinar to discuss this new law. You must register in advance.
Date: July 30th
Time: 10 AM Eastern
Zoom Registration in Advance: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bFEQ1pC6T2-zasEVWfsOzA
This webinar is designed for GMs, News directors, and anyone selling political advertising.
You can find information about the newly revised law here.