On June 13, the National Alliance of State Broadcaster Associations (NASBA) hosted an all-day event at the NAB focusing on AM radio. The meetings included discussions by Sen. Ed Markey (D. MA) and Sen. Deb. Fischer (R NE) who are original co-sponsors of the AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act in the Senate (S.166). Apart from a discussion about the legislation, the conference included some very important panels about the importance of AM Radio. The panels were moderated by Fred and Paul Jacobs of Jacobs Media. The panels included:
The Future of the Car Dashboard and Radio’s Role
Shawn DeBravac, President, Avrio Institute
AM Radio: Providing the Backbone for Emergency Alerts
Manuel Centeno, Program Manager, FEMA IPAWS National Public Warning System (NPWS)
The Solutions Panel
Steve Newberry, CEO, Quu
Pete Benedetti, Executive Vice President, Quu
Juan Galdamez, Senior Director, Broadcast Strategy, Xperi
MODERATOR: Paul Jacobs, Vice President and General Manager, Jacobs Media
The View from Affected Broadcasters Panel
Tom Brand, President, National Association of Farm Broadcasting
Noelle Garnier, Director of Public Policy and Communications, National Religious Broadcasters
Patty Ruiz, General Manager, Bustos Media
James Winston, National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
MODERATOR: Fred Jacobs, President, Jacobs Media
NYSBA had conflicting meetings on the Hill with members of the NY delegation. Fortunately, the panels have been archived and you can now access them here.