At its December meeting, the FCC decided to begin a proceeding to “clean up” some of its old and outdated broadcast regulations. None of these modifications amount to any significant policy changes.
As the FCC noted, “[N]umerous rule sections still reference outdated terms from the Commission’s legacy paper-filing processing procedures and discontinued databases and are therefore incompatible with current electronic filing procedures.” The FCC is suggesting these modifications to clarify the rules to better reflect current processing.
The Commission is proposing changes that:
Replace References to CDBS With References to LMS
Update Form Names
Change Table of Assignments/Allotments References to Conform to Existing Language
Eliminate Section 73.503(g), the 2021 NCE FM Window Application Cap
Eliminate AM Station Power Increase Restrictions
Modify Post-incentive Auction Viewer and MVPD Notification Requirements
Update Section 73.870, Processing LPFM Minor Modification Applications
Revisions to Section 73.807, Minimum Distance Separation Between Stations
Codification of Definition of the Term “Authorized” Station
Prior-filed Application Protections
Revise the Signature Rule
Local Public Notice Requirement After Acceptance for Filing
Remove 90-Day STA Restriction Necessitated by Technical or Equipment Problems
Remove Obsolete Application Processing Language
Redesignate Renewal Application Petition to Deny Rule
Revise the Informal Objection Rule
Again, these are mostly process changes and do not have a policy impact on station regulations. You can access all of the proposed changes here.
Additional information can be found in a memo from our friends at the DC Law Firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman here.