Last week, the FCC proposed a $14,000 fine against a radio station group owner for failing to conduct a contest properly. Under section 73.1216 of the Commission’s rules, broadcast licensees must “fully and accurately disclose the material terms” of a licensee-conducted contest and conduct it “substantially as announced or advertised.
In its decision, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau noted:
“Here, the Licensee’s announced contest terms (Contest Terms) specified when winners would be selected and when winners would be notified of their selection. Despite being required by its own Contest Terms to (i) select winners on or about the next business day following each contest day, and (ii) notify winners within 72 business hours of being selected, the Licensee frequently failed to adhere to those deadlines. In proposing this penalty, we reiterate the Commission’s longstanding commitment to protecting the public from deceptive broadcast contests.”
This was a nationwide contest, and the licensee failed to notify 50 out of 297 winners in time. Bottom line, if you establish contest rules, you must follow them.
You can see the FCC Enforcement Bureau’s Notice of Apparent Liability here.