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BIA Advisory Monthly Economic Pulse – Economy Picks Up Later in 2023

BIA is now issuing a monthly economic report. This report helps sift through the often conflicting reporting regarding the state of our economy. In its first edition of the report, BIA noted:

“Are we in a Recession? Are we headed for a recession? Did we just blink and miss one? Most importantly, does it even matter? All questions we address in this first issue of Economic Pulse, a new monthly blog I’ll be authoring to help sort out our complicated economy and its impact on the local advertising marketplace. Let’s dive in!
On January 23rd, 2023, The Conference Board announced their Leading Economic Index decreased by 1% in December. The LEI is now down 4.2% over the last six months which is a continuation of recent signals that the US economy is headed for, or already in, a recession. Indications are that overall economic activity is likely to be negative in the near term, gaining steam later in 2023.”

You can find BIA’s Monthly Economic Pulse Report here.

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