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Rep. Pallone Takes Steps to Move AM Radio Bill

As we noted several weeks ago, the Subcommittee on Communications of the House Commerce Committee held hearings on the AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act. Legislation H.R. 3413 has more than 250 members of the house co-sponsoring the bill, with 17 members of the New York delegation signing on to the legislation.

Congressman Frank Pallone, ranking member of the House Commerce Committee, has recently introduced a new version of the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. It is also the same as the version that was discussed at the hearing. When introducing the legislation, his press release stated:

“AM Radio stations play a critical role in our nation’s communications network, which is why I remain concerned that some automakers plan to phase out AM radio from their electric vehicle models. When Superstorm Sandy pummeled New Jersey over ten years ago, some of my constituents went days without power and telephone and internet connections. In the aftermath of the storm, they relied on broadcast AM radio stations – often in their vehicles – to get up-to-the-minute information like where to get water, gas, and groceries,” Pallone said.

We support the new version of the bill. While it gives the automakers a little more time to implement the regulations, it ensures that AM radio receivers will remain in electric and internal combustion-powered vehicles. Moreover, it is exactly the same as the Senate Bill S.1669. Because it is the same, it will make it easier to pass both the House and Senate.

We expect the legislation to be “marked up” for a vote before the House Commerce Committee shortly, perhaps as early as this week. This is the first step in moving the bill through the House of Representatives. This is a huge step forward, and one we strongly support.

You can see Congressman Pallone’s press release here.

You can see the new version of the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act here.

You can see the text of the original H.R. 3413 here.

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