FCC and FEMA have scheduled a Nationwide EAS Test for October 4, 2023. (The backup date will be October 11.)
FEMA will transmit the nationwide test of the EAS at 2:20 pm EDT on October 4, 2023, using the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). The test will be sent in English and Spanish as a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) message using the Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System (NPT) code.
Importantly, as part of the EAS testing process, stations will be required to review and update the information on their ETRS form 1 by September 15th. Stations were required to submit an ETRS Form 1 in February 2023. Stations should make sure the information is up to date. ETRS Form 2 will be due the day of the test with Form 3 due as a follow-up report after the test.
You can access the FCCs extensive Public Notice on the Test here.
FEMA has also issued a Public Notice here.
You can access the FCC’s ETRS webpage here.