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FCC Moves Against Bronx Pirate on 99.3 FM

The FCC continues its efforts to crack down on illegal pirate radio stations in New York.  As you know, the PIRATE Act gives the FCC the authority to hold property owners liable for allowing illegal pirate stations to operate on their property or in their buildings.


Last week, the FCC sent a notice to a property owner in the Bronx regarding a pirate station broadcasting on 99.3 FM.  The FCC stated:

“The New York Office of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Enforcement Bureau is investigating a complaint about an unlicensed FM broadcast station operating on frequency 99.3 MHz. On November 2, 2022, and September 5, 2023, agents from the New York Office confirmed by direction finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 99.3 MHz were emanating from the property at 3349 Decatur Avenue, Bronx, New York 10467 (Property). Publicly available records identify Matovu Realty LLC as the owner of the Property.  The FCC’s records show no license issued for operation of a radio broadcast station on 99.3 MHz at this location.”

The FCC advised the property owner that it could be liable for a fine of more than $2 million if the illegal operation continues.


You can see the Enforcement Bureaus Notice here

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