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Action Item: Start On Air Campaign to Support AM Legislation

As noted in the previous story, the clock is ticking to pass the AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act this year. In the House, it’s H.R. 8449, and in the Senate, S.1669. While we have tremendous support for the bills, more than 300 members of both the House and Senate, we must encourage members of Congress to move the legislation forward now! This will be a shortened session as members return home to campaign. 


The best way to move Congress is to get your radio listeners to contact their local members of Congress about passing the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act this session. NAB has created new spots and talking points to help stations get the message out to listeners. We encourage stations to run these messages between now and Labor Day.


New York is extremely important. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer controls timing on the Senate Floor. Also, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies will be a key player in any decision to move this bill.


These spots convey a sense of urgency that the time for Congress to act is now! They send listeners to a platform that allows them to urge their legislators to reach out to House and Senate leadership requesting a vote.  


While updated, fully produced spots are available, we encourage stations to record the scripts using your well-known on-air personalities, and if appropriate, to have on-air talent discuss the importance of this issue during their shows.  


You can download the most recent June 2024 spots here.


You can access the updated June 20th scripts here.


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